Content Edits

Reader, let me tell you, I don’t think I’ve been more aware of my personal writing style than I was when Kim and I got our first round of content edits back on book 1 of the Amber Falls Series: Yours, Always. Little quirks, odd phrasing, repeating words and a myriad of other strange things present themselves when a real editor reviews your manuscript for the first time. Listen. We’re not professionals. We started this as a lark—to spend time together. That being said, both Kim and I are well educated and well read. We know the difference between their, they’re and there. We know where to put dialogue tags and punctuation. But I don’t know what a subjunctive clause is. I’ve looked it up, been told what it is by our editor and I still don’t know what a subjunctive clause is (sorry, Nicki!). We read through our manuscript so many times, edited chapters—we even read the whole thing out loud! We thought we knew what editing was. I believe at one point we may have confidently declared “If we...