Forever Yours, Amber Falls Book 2 sneak peek!

Happy 2025! Please enjoy this sneak peek of Forever Yours, Chapter 1. Release date 1/14/2025, you can pre-order at any time! Amber Falls FOREVER YOURS Rachael Heinan & Kimberly Metcalf ©Copyright Rachael Heinan & Kimberly Metcalf 2025 Chapter One Devlin Watkins woke with a start, her heart pounding and her breathing shallow. She had the dream. Again. She often dreamed of Boston, a time and place where she was a different person, before she’d left what seemed like a lifetime of bad decisions. She couldn’t bring herself to call that night a bad decision, but her subconscious wasn’t so sure. She would be going about her day and a wave of heat would wash over her and her body would tense in anticipation. That nonsense was usually squashed before it overwhelmed her, and she’d take a moment to gather herself and get on with her day. Still, her subconscious wouldn’t be ignored, and she found her thoughts drifting to the man. Her he...