Be a little like Prudence
I am looking outside, seeing the snow on the ground; wondering if Prudence, Devlin and Annabelle would be outside building a snowman in front of Books and Beans.
The answer is obviously yes.
One thing I have found in writing about these strong female characters, and they are strong, independent, in my humble option - true heroines. BUT, they are vulnerable, in different ways. This allows them to be true friends, each other's strengths, where they might find weakness.
I will be honest - it took some time for me to fall in love with Greyson, and I helped create him! I think that had a lot to do with how we wrote Prudence. She doesn't need him. She doesn't need him to come in and save the day, or carry her away. She is her own force to be reckoned with. He enhances her feminine qualities, hard to her soft. They encourage each other in their own very different endeavors.
And yet, she would find the time to be silly and build a snowman with her friends. To embrace the whimsy of the moment and experience the joy.
I think we could all be more like Prudence. I know I could. To be my own cheerleader, be enough to chase my own dreams and pursue my own goals. T o be brave, and bold. And to be in the moment, feeling the joy.
I wish you a bit a Prudence as we continue in this new year. To be present in the moment and feel the joy in the simple things.
Your Always,
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